Ukrainian-Hungarian educational institute
The Faculty was created in September 2008 according to the Intergovernmental Agreement adopted at the meeting of Ukraine and Hungary Joint Commission, the orders of the Rector Prof. Vegesh M. and under the support of the Hungarian Public Foundation “Native Land”. Lyzanets Petro, Doctor of Philology, Professor of Uzhhorod National University, Honoured Scientist of Ukraine was appointed the first Dean of the Faculty.
• In 2012 Shpenyk Oleksandr Ottovych, Cand. Sc.(Physics and Mathematics), Associate Professor was elected the Dean of the Faculty. |
The Faculty Has Got Three Departments:
- Department of Hungarian Philology (headed by Prof. Lyzanets P.)
- Department of History of Hungary and European Integration (headed by Prof. Kish E.)
- Department of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (headed by Assoc. Prof. Shpenyk A.)
The teaching staff of the Faculty includes 4 Professors, 18 Associate Professors, 8 Senior Teachers, 2 Engineers and 3 Laboratory Assistants.
Material and Technical Base of the Faculty
Material and Technical Base of the Faculty consists of 2 computer classes connected to the Internet, modern Physico-Research Laboratory and comfortable modern Lecture Halls.
- Computer Classes
- Physico-Research Laboratory
- The Dean’s Office is provided with modern professional office equipment.
A meeting of Prof. Vaschuk F. (Rector of UzhNU) and Prof. Barna Meze (Rector of the Eötvös Loránd Budapest University (Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem) was held on November 2, 2012. The Vice-Chancellors of both Universities and the teaching staff of the Faculty were also present at the meeting.
The Dean of the Faculty Associate Professor Shpenyk O. initiated the meeting. The main goal of the meeting was to sign the Agreement on Cooperation between the Universities - UzhNU and the University of Budapest named after Loránd Eötvös (Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem (ELTE)).
The Eötvös Loránd Budapest University is considered to be one of the best Universities in Hungary. It is in the list of the 300 most prominent Universities of the world. It has over 450-year history. At present the number of students at the University is about 30,000.
The official Agreement on Cooperation provides the exchange of scientific workers, professors, students and graduates for short-term training programs. It facilitates the procedure of mutual recognition of diplomas. The signing of the Agreement on Cooperation has become an important step in the development of the Faculty of Humanities and Natural Sciences and the University as a whole. The students - Bachelors have a unique opportunity to obtain the Master’s Degree not only at the university in Ukraine, but also at Eötvös Loránd Budapest University.
Since 2013 the graduates-Bachelors of UzhNU can pass Master Course at Eötvös Loránd Budapest University and get Master’s Degree at one of the best universities of Europe.
The Faculty has close scientific contacts with the Slavic and Balkan Institute in Moscow, the Institute of Linguistics and Literary Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the Universities of Budapest, Debrecen, Szeged and Pécs, the Nyíregyháza Pedagogical Institute and with the centers of Hungarology in Paris, Rome and Hamburg, as well as with the Academic Institutions and Universities of Moldova, Poland, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Serbia, Croatia, Macedonia and Montenegro.
The Department has got a large sci-tech library which is annually updated with new publications through General Consulate of Hungary in Uzhhorod.
The Departments have the highest (4th) level of accreditation.
In 2008-2014 academic years the students of specialties “Physics” and “Hungarian Language and Literature” had some training courses at Debrecen University. The students of specialty “History” have their archaeological practical training in Hungary. The best students can win the grants for pre-graduation practical training in Germany.
The fifth-year students of Hungarian Philology have their pre-graduation practical training in the Central Library named after Seycheni in Budapest.
“Center of Hungarology”, the scientific subdivision of the Hungarian Philology Department, the came into existence in 1988. Its aims are the following:
- to support and coordinate the scientific and educational work and other research activities in the fields of Hungarian Language, Literature, History and Culture;
- to promote unity and cooperation of researchers, teachers and professionals involved in these branches of science at Universities, Research Institutions, schools, Publishing Houses and the Offices in Ukraine;
- to encourage the comprehensive study of the culture of the Hungarian population in Transcarpathia.