Website Administration

General  website coordination

Pro-Rector in scientific and pedagogical work - Ihor Ivanovych Korol, Doctor of Sciences, (Physics and Mathematics), Professor.


Technical Support

  • administration, development and design: Oleksandr Dubiv, head of IT dept. (;
  • site management and update: (

Tel .: (+38 0312) 65-53-00


Order for the placement and updating materials

  • News and announcements are posted by the editors of Media "Uzhnu" (submitted by In case you need to edit the text of news and announcements, the bottom of the page  will be marked with “Edited by the Media Centre of Uzhnu” or a surname of the editor will be pointed out. The editors of MediaCenter may return materials to the authors for revision with an indication at what should be improved.
  • Information about the main content of the Web site is hosted and updated by the technical support of ESI ICT ( to be submitted to the address
  • Responsibility for regular and timely submission and update of the information about structural units (in Ukrainian and English) that is placed on the Web site of the University, according to order No. 305/01-03  of 10.07.2013 rests with their heads.
  • Only the materials sent from official e-mail addresses of university departments (those listed in the domain  @uzhnu., will be treated as reviewed and approved by those responsible for submitting and of updating information. Accordingly, only such submissions will be accepted for the actual Web pages update.
  • Each Web page contains the name and surname, the position of a person responsible for thesubmitted information as well as the date of the last update of the information.
  • Schedules, announcements and other additional information from Dean's offices and departments which is posted in the module "InfoCenter" are provided independently by the staff of the respective structural subdivisions of ESI ICT  through logins and access rights.
  • Information sent to the address  for posting on the Web site shall correspond to  the norms and requirements established by the ESI ICT.

Дата оновлення сторінки: 27.12.2022