For foreign students
Uzhhorod National University operates in the region, which is directly borders with EU countries - Poland (33.4 km), Slovakia (98.5 km), Hungary (136.6 km) and Romania (205, 4 km). It gives reason to believe that the region is a connecting link for Ukraine with the EU. Geographical location of Uzhhorod National University and the experience of higher education institutions leading Central and Eastern European region - Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary on purposeful implementation of incremental steps in the field of education to integrate into the EU, that is a considerable interest not only for our university, but for Ukraine in general, became decisive in choosing the strategy of international cooperation and strategic partners. The priority of UzhNU development is internationalization of education and search for new forms of international cooperation, that is contribute for harmonization of Ukrainian and European education.
International student’s department works with foreign students, coordinates admission questions, studying, adaptation to Ukrainian society, works with the local government and the media, conducts documentary support studying process of foreigners, within its powers.
Leading Specialists of the Department:
- Head of the department
- Cand. Sc. Hojdash Yuli
- Deputy
- Mrs. Firtsak Larysa Yuriyivna
- Legal advisor
- Mr. Kazakov Oleksandr
- Member of admission committee
- Mr. Belen Milan
We carry out admission process of entrants, listing and checking of all required documents, consulting on all aspects of students’ life in our city and university starting from guidance for getting to our city, applying, enrolling, studying a desired specialty and ending up with help concerning health issues and first aid if needed. Our task is to make sure that upon graduating from our uni the recognition of your diploma and supplement at your country will be prompt to allow you to start a chosen career as soon as possible. Our department has close connections with all the embassies of nationalities of our international students. Mail and email correspondence with ones is in high priority, most of foreseen issues are resolved prior to their occurrence. Statistical growth of foreign nationalities wishing to complete academic programs at our uni is proving educational standards of our faculties and trust to our institution. By keeping in touch with our department you are getting up to date information, avoiding possible misguidance coming from unofficial sources. You can reach us using these contacts:
International students department
Universitetksa St., 12
Office 213
Tel +380 (3122) 64-31-56
Дата оновлення: 02.07.2024
відповідальний за інформацію: Гойдаш Ю.Ю.